Ways To Give
We invite you to support Christian education in whatever way your are able. With so many ways to get involved, we are confident that you will find one that works for you.
Time and Prayers
Contact the office to find out ways you can volunteer or to ask about how you can pray for us.
Direct Donation
Give Directly via Check
Business EITC through Everence
SPE Through Faith Builders
Available to individuals and businesses
New online application form or you can complete a paper form
Minimum contribution of $3,000 per year
90% of your contribution turns into a state tax credit
A $3,000 contribution would give a $2,700 tax credit
To use the full tax credit, you need approximately $88,000 of Pennsylvania taxable income
Kraybill uses your contribution to provide financial assistance
Requires a two-year commitment
Additional Information:
SPE through Central PA Scholarship Fund
Available to individuals and businesses
Minimum contribution of at least $3,500 per year
90% of your contribution turns into a state tax credit
Kraybill uses your contribution to provide financial assistance
Requires a two-year commitment
Annual Auction
Enjoy fellowship with others in the community
Donate items
Bid on items
Eat great food
Enjoy fellowship with others in the community